5 Tips To Help You Achieve Effectively All Your Goals in 2019
Having a well-balanced life includes taking care of yourself, like starting the day with a healthy skincare routine, along with all the other areas of your life. The way that you go about setting up your life goals makes a huge impact on your performance in the new year.
During this time of year, it's common to hear people everywhere talking about New Year’s resolutions, from friends to social media, blogs and TV shows. And this gets you to start thinking about all the goals you hope to accomplish during the year. Even if you are not thinking about it, you always have Netflix shows such as “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” with all their useful advice to remind you that you can always improve yourself and be more organized.
Although we can dream up some great resolutions at the beginning of the year, most people quit them after a couple of months. So, how can we keep and, most importantly, achieve our New Year’s resolutions all year long?
Today, I want to share with you five tips that I’ve found useful for making resolutions that stick.
TIP #1
It is a fact that most people don’t achieve their goals because the word ‘resolution’ has a negative connotation. Maybe you look at resolutions as big changes in your life, and that could be the reason why some of them fail. Instead, choose a more positive word like ‘goal’ or ‘plan’. And try to set realistic steps for every month or week. That can help you hit your goals.
TIP #2
If you are unsure about where to begin, start thinking about your past year: the goals you achieved, the steps that helped you accomplish them, and the struggles you faced. This way, it’s easy to realize that a resolution is also a process. Remember that the best resolutions are the ones made specifically for you, so you cannot find them on a top resolutions list.
TIP #3
The best way to make positive changes in your life is to create goals and write them down. I found a printable chart that is useful for outlining your action plan, which you can save on your desktop or print out. This way, you can remind yourself of your goals by looking at them every day.
In the first part of the chart, write three goals you want to achieve, then divide each goal into three or four actions that will help you achieve them. Finally, prioritize an action and break it down into smaller steps.
TIP #4
Try listing things that you want to have more and less of in your life during this year. Checking in with yourself first thing in the morning can help you feel more confident and less anxious during the day. Check out the friendly sheet that I made for you to print out so you can start building your list today!
TIP #5
If you have completed an action or a few of the smaller steps that you set for your goals during a month or week, do not forget to reward yourself. Then, do yourself the best favor of all and create another plan for next month, and so on.
I’m sure these five tips will help you to not only set goals that you can keep and accomplish during the year, but also help you with smaller goals in your everyday life. Download the files here so that you can see the steps you need to put in to reach your goals and stick to them.
What are your goals for this year? Would love to hear from you!